Website 1.2

You may have noticed over the past couple days I’ve been slowly reworking various sections of the website to make everything flow better. I figured I’d make a quick blog post to talk about some of the changes. I’ve always found bullet points to be much easier for this kind of stuff, so:

  • Added “Blog” section to track website changes, music news, big shows, and any other misc projects.

  • Updated “Shows” with current dates out to March.

  • Updated “Gallery” with photos from Ary Supan photoshoot from August.

  • Updated “Contact” with more information about services offered.

  • Updated “Home” to display the “Music that Makes You Feel” tagline.

  • Changed “Catalog” to “Covers Catalog” to better reflect the information on the page.

  • Removed “Music & Videos”.

  • Added “Music/Live Shows”.

  • Added “Music/Covers”.

  • Added “Music/Discography”.

  • Added Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube social links in menu corner and bottom of page

So as you can see, there’s been a good bit done these past few days. I’m hoping to have the website be the one-stop place to find anything about my music; whether it’s new releases, big shows, new music videos, or whatever.

Hopefully you guys find it helpful!


Photos from the Flight Coffee Show


Visualizers and YouTube